New Patient Info

New Patient

Our core strength lies in Michael’s mastery of motion palpation – accurately determining vertebrae positioning and unveiling the underlying source of symptoms. This skill sets the foundation for specific, lasting chiropractic adjustments. All new patients will go through a two appointment process. Taking the time to get to know and understand your pains, struggles and aspirations, the current functional state of your body, communicating the findings, and customizing a mutually agreed upon care plan, is essential. Clarity, working in partnership and following the same game plan, significantly enhances both the journey and the result.

Your First Appointment:
A Thorough Exam

Our patient onboarding process is designed to be thorough and thoughtful. Michael will review your health history, discuss symptoms, and perform a non-invasive functional exam to assess balance, posture, strength, and spinal integrity.

After this appointment, you will book a second appointment.

Your Second Appointment:
Review Findings, Customized Care Plan & Treatment

Michael will report his findings and recommendations. If Chiropractic and/or Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields will help you, he will propose a Customized Care Plan and your treatment will begin in this session.

Review Comprehensive Health Assessment and Custom Care Plan

Chiropractic Adjustment

Michael will perform Chiropractic treatment, and provide active daily life (ADL) guidance if needed.

“After years of visiting various chiropractors and osteopaths, Michael stands out as a top contender. Not only does he possess exceptional skills honed through years of practice, but he’s also genuinely compassionate and prioritizes patient well-being.”

Nat S.


Ready to Elevate your